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FAQ #2: What Are Amnio Injections?

What are amniotic injections?

Amniotic injections are a type of human amniotic membrane allograft. This means they are harvested from the amniotic sack or "afterbirth". All of the tissue is donated by consenting mothers after C-section. The tissue contains several growth factors that can help rebuild tissue after damage. This can help to regenrate tendons and ligaments as well as arthritic joints. The growth factors work to modulate inflammation and regulate healing. The growth factors involved have also been shown to attract the patients own STEM cells to help rebuild the body.

How do you know if an amniotic injection may be right for you?

-Diagnosis of an injurry resulting in inflammation such as tendinitis, tendon tear, ankle sprain, plantar fasciitis and arthritis.

-Conservative care has failed. Patients who have failed topical or oral anti-inflammatories, physical therapy, rest, icing and immobilization can be good canidates for amniotic therapy.

-You want an alternative to steroids, failed steroid or want an alternative to surgery.

We have had great success with amniotic injections for the treatment of heel pain, achilles tendinitis, posterior tibial tendinitis, peroneal tendinitis, osteochondral defects (cartilage damage) and general arthritis. In combination with other conservative care, many patients have avoided surgery or even improved where previous surgery had failed.

Give us a call to schedule a consult today at (480)-632-5757

Chris Suykerbuyk, DPM, FACFAS

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