Bunions Are A 3D Problem, Here's A 3D Solution

Watch Dr. Suykerbuyk's interview with Sonoran Living
What Are Bunions?
Bunions are a common problem that frequently gets neglected by sufferers of this painful condition. They affect about 25% of people in the United States alone and while they are most commonly seen in older women, men, teenagers and even children can develop bunions.[1]
Many people assume that a bunion is a simple bump on the side of the toe, but it is actually a is a bone deformity caused by an unstable joint in the middle of the foot that allows the big toe to drift out of alignment. The condition is progressive and cannot correct itself. The effects of painful bunions can be devastating. People who once enjoyed being active, running, biking and going to the gym can eventually find themselves in excruciating pain while simply walking or performing daily activities.
What Can Be Done About A Bunion
Physicians often recommend conservative management options when patients first present with bunion pain. These can include wider shoes, padding, toe separators and orthotics. But if these alternatives fail or the patient’s bunion deformity is severe, surgical options are discussed.
Most physicians offer traditional osteotomy surgery where the protruding bone is cut and shifted resulting in a curved abnormal bone, alleviating pain but not stabilizing the source of the bunion-causing deformity. With this option, patients often face a long recovery with no weight-bearing for weeks and there is a high risk that the bunion will return over time.[2]
A growing number of physicians across the country including Dr. Christopher Suykerbuyk of AZ Choice Foot and Ankle are performing an innovative procedure called Lapiplasty® 3D Bunion Correction™. Unlike the osteotomy procedure, the Lapiplasty® Procedure addresses the misalignment of the bones in the foot from all three dimensions, returning the foot to its true normal anatomic alignment. The bones are then secured in their proper positions using two small, patented titanium plates. The Lapiplasty® Procedure™ has demonstrated low rates of bunion recurrence with 97% and 99% of patients maintaining their 3D correction in 13- and 17-month trials, respectively [3,4]. Since the procedure was cleared by the FDA in 2015, more than 30,000 patients have been treated with Lapiplasty® 3D Bunion Correction™.
Dr. Suykerbuyk and other podiatric surgeons have performed the Lapiplasty® Procedure™ on patients in various age groups and from all walks of life. Typically, Lapiplasty® patients are released to full activity at 4-6 months after surgery with no restrictions; returning to activities such as walking, running, biking, and skiing with relief from bunion pain – in addition to enjoying the cosmetic benefits of the procedure.
For more information about Lapiplasty® 3D Bunion Correction™ visit www.FixMyToe.com. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Suykerbuyk call 480-477-5554 or visit www.AZChoiceFa.com.
- Nix S, et al. J Foot Ankle Res. 2010. 27:3:21.
- Jeuken RM, et al. Foot Ankle Int. 2016. 37:687-95.
- Ray J, et al. Foot Ankle Int. 2019 Aug;40(8):955-960.
- Dayton P, et al. J Foot Ankle Surg. 2020, 59(2): 291-297.
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